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All About Anime: FAIRY TAIL


Before, I never thought that I would enjoy watching anime. All I know about anime is, they're just a bunch of action-packed type of cartoons with some illusory magics and images, so I never tried to spend time in knowing it (anime) more.

Suddenly, Detective Conan came, followed by Death Note.

I started watching those animes because of its genre, and I could say that I really enjoyed watching them, (I'm not done with Detective Conan thou'.. hehehe.) and from that moment on, animes were on my phone, one after one after one.

Fairy Tail has been the longest anime I've watched, so far, because most of the animes that I've watched before have 15-20 episodes, but FT has 175 episodes and the story is not done yet. (updates will be available this summer, if i heard it right). I really am excited for its update and I'm looking forward for the updates to be released SOONER. ^_^

About the story.
Although FT is a  shounen type of anime, I still love it! I like how the writer plotted the story, plus the combination of characters which makes the anime worth watching. Natsu+Happy, Gray, Lucy, Erza, Wendy+Carla, they're all pretty awesome, plus their magics. SUGOIIIIIIII !!! 
It all started when Lucy's searching for a guild named Fairy Tail, and Natsu's looking for his dragon-parent Igneel. They met somewhere, and eventually, since Natsu is a FT mage, Lucy became one too, and that's where all the "fuss" began.

About the characters.
I LOVE THEM ALL! hehehe. But, if i'll be given a chance to join this year''s ozine fest or any cosplay event, my first choice is Erza Scarlet's lightning empress, and then, Lucy Heartfilia, Levy Mcgarden, Juvia Lockser or Kirigiri Kyokou (of Danganronpa).. I still haven't decided yet since events usually happen at tha last quarter of the year, plus I haven't saved enough budget for the costume yet, plus my figure isn't ready for such costumes yet. NAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHH!! But I hope everything's gonna be ok before the last quarter comes. (crossfingers!)

If you guys wanna watch something funny yet action-packed anime, this one should be in your MUST WATCH list! 

Mata ne,

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