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Showing posts from December, 2015

I'm MOVING ...

Hi buddies! I know, and as you can see on my description box, I've said before that this will be my blog from 2015 onwards but we all know that change is constant, and it actually invaded my decision of keeping this blog. I have fully decided to move to a different host because of some technical reasons, though I would still consider blogspot/blogger since this has the easiest navigation system,may it be by desktop or by mobile. As of now, I'm currently transferring my posts to my new home but I will not delete it from here. I'll just keep this blog as it is because I believe this already created some traffic/audience. I think? Hahaha! But yeah, i'll keep this blog as it is. I will be posting my new blog's URL once we're (me and the new blog) done with the process of getting to know each other. LOL! Most definitely, it will be fully updated by the second of January 2016, once my blog turns 2. Weeehh! Alrighty! This is it for now. Follow me on Instagram...